Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Best New Years Ever

I've been accused of writing "Books.' I was charged and convicted, the other night when I sent a rather long text to a beloved. But when you are autodidact polymath, basically a "Know-it-All," as I've convinced myself, you feel the strong sense to impart said wisdom whether you like it or not! "If it don't apply let it fly!"


I was never one for New Years Resolutions. Never really made one and certainly didn't follow through with any. Astoundingly, I find it important to remind my family and friends how imperative and inescapable simple it is to realize that "you are NOT promised tomorrow." Nor, are the ones you love, given a set epoch, an expiration date.

As I sit here day after day, in Chronic Heart Failure, you can bet your ass I have plenty of time to think. Maybe too much time? I have come to the realization that in our youth, we think we are invincible as well as everyone around us. We have a core belief, a basic procrastinators attitude that there's time to say the things that need to be said, time to do the things to be done. Again, I must emphasis that "you are NOT promised tomorrow."

I want to be positive, never wanting to impart a fatalistic thought process but the truth is, although you cannot carry on a stance of "Woe is me and the world will end tomorrow," I have always been the persona to call a spade a spade. And yes, sometimes the truth hurts like hell.

That truth is this;

*You mustn't think/believe that everybody knows how you feel about them.

*If you want a relationship to work, there has to be a mutual respect. In other words, don't talk to your spouse any kinda way. If you're yelling and speaking in a tone, to your loved one and hypothetically, you spoke the same way to your best friends, would those friends NOT tell you to go F yourself? Remember; it's a true sign of immaturity to allow yourself to speak before you think!

*Your kids often think you're Superhuman and without fault. It's so unrealistic, a set-up from the get-up. And it's not until they themselves begin getting too old to slap the snot out of your nose that you understand that they too had to mess up, learn and make mistakes. So, while your children are young and impressionable, don't forget to SHOW them that you are fallible AND that you love and care. Make them see that you only want to teach them, not just discipline them. Especially when you've screwed up with your kid, make sure you're never too good to apologize.

*Lastly, this may sound morbid but...give the one you love their Eulogy today. Why wait till someone is gone to tell them how you felt, how they've touched your life, what they've meant to you or what you respect about them. We don't live forever, it's a fact of life. So, stop acting like we will and live in the present!

*Make 2017 the year you stop being an asshole to your wife, stop taking your shit out on your kids and realize it is not a weakness to love. Don't be one of those people who only allows Anger in their emotional arsenal. Remember that if you look for fault in a spouse YOU WILL FIND IT!!

*Make 2017 the year you realize that men are different than women, you literally have to put everything into perspective for them. Again, remember that if you look for fault in your spouse YOU WILL FIND IT!!
Ladies sex is not everything, meaning as you get older look for affection. If you've got that affection, all is well and stop looking for something to be wrong. Obviously remember that if you want your man to continue to shop at YOUR store, you have to keep that picture window interesting because a good portion of men have the attention span of a Gnat, at times. (Sorry fellas).

Make 2017 the year you let go and let God!! As well, if you've read this far, know that I commend you, because it's clear you are looking for RESOLVE! Finally, know emphatically that I am aware of how much of a fuck-up I've been and if you've forgiven me, I am truly grateful. Lastly, I stand before you convicted. I have not had it easy, myself but it's harder than you think to unlearn bad habits, bad thinking. However, I am trying, working on me.

Above all, please know that you are loved...

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